If you are looking for the beginning of the study for G. A. Henty’s Winning His Spurs then you can go HERE for a brief introduction. At the bottom of the introduction you will find the links to each section of the study guide as it becomes available. If you would like to see the growing list of book studies available for free on this site you can go HERE. Enjoy!
Virtues/Vices/Great Ideas: (Find them in the Text)
Appearance vs. Reality, Prudence
Grammar Questions: (The Information of the Text)
What temporarily diverted Cuthbert’s plan to look for King Richard?
What resulted from the conflict between the barons loyal to Richard and Prince John and his forces?
How did Blondel propose to help Cuthbert find King Richard’s place of imprisonment?
Why, according to the story, did having a minstrel in his company allow Cuthbert to travel throughout Europe with greater security and ease?
What difficult situation was Sir Adelbert enduring?
What plan did Cuthbert concoct to aid Sir Adelbert?
What did Cuthbert and Blondel do once they discovered the place where King Richard was being held?
What demands did the emperor make in regard to the possibility of releasing Richard?
How did Richard respond to the charges against him, particularly that he poisoned a man?
What was the general attitude about Richard among the emperor’s own barons?
What occurred for Cuthbert shortly after the return of King Richard?
Logic Questions: (Interpreting, Comparing/Contrasting, Reasoning)
Why did the barons of England not inflict a stronger punishment on Prince John once they had him beaten?
What might account for the reason traveling minstrels were so highly regarded so as to receive the honors described in the story?
Why was the wicked baron able to ignore the emperor’s command to return Sir Adelbert’s land? What does this say about the emperor?
Why was Cuthbert so successful in taking possession of castles when so many other people were not?
Why were so many of the emperor’s barons in favor of Richard’s release?
Rhetoric Questions: (The Analysis of Ideas in the Text)
The story tells us that “a large portion of this part of Europe was under no settled government” where Cuthbert and Blondel were traveling. As a result there was significant danger for people traveling in that area. What does it mean for a people to be “well governed?” What are the positive benefits of a strong government? What are potential negatives of a strong government? How should we negotiate between the pros and cons to find a happy medium when it comes to having a well governed people?
Do you think King Richard should have punished Prince John or was he prudent to show him the lenience he did? Why do you think as you do?
Theological Analysis: (Sola Scriptura)
Read Proverbs 28:15-16. How does the wisdom this Scripture teaches apply to the various rulers we have met in Winning His Spurs?