Great! I bought the book after you announced that the course would be coming.

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Should be a new one each week until it’s done. Seven lessons planned in all.

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May 31·edited May 31Liked by Jacob Allee

Awesome! I might just read this along with you. I used to love teaching "Bartleby" to high school students, though I'd have to do it late in the year because they'd adopt the popular refrain "I'd prefer not to" when it came to doing anything. 'Got old pretty quick.

I didn't read "Moby Dick" until a couple of years ago, but mannnnnn.... I don't know how you can discuss, or, really, read any American Literature until you've read at least a little bit of that book. I just love the idea of Melville taking EVERYTHING that he knows about the world -- all he's gathered -- and putting it into one volume with some kind of loose narrative thread. It was an amazing experience reading that one.

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Haha! I love it. Teaching that book too early in the year is a liability.

I’ve always wondered if Bartleby was a direct influence on the movie Office Space. It seems like it took its cue from Melville (although in an obviously modern kind of way). Very funny movie, but pretty ornery as I recall.

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