I also know you are Jacob.

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Sorry for the poor grammar, I hit the send button too early.

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Hey Mark. I fell in love with Symbolic Logic in college, taking two years of it. and have returned to it or read about on many occasions. Thanks for the post.

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I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I enjoy symbolic logic, but traditional (Aristotelian) logic is what I like the best.

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Yes, I,too, enjoy traditional logic.

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Nice work! I’m not sure I would have stressed induction quite that way, but over all, first rate. One of my favorite books is called A Practical Study of Argument, I look back through two or three times a decade completely, and check up with it a great deal. I highly recommend it.

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I’ll look it up! Induction is my least experienced area of logic. Lots still to learn!

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Thanks for offering this. I'll come back and studied it more carefully. As well as more of your materials.

John Piper has an excellent book on intentional thinking, titled Think. It's especially good at guiding Biblical exegesis.

I always liked Ravi Zecharias' slogan, "challenging the thinker to believe and the believer to think". It's so sad that he allowed his personal faliures to destroy his effectiveness. At one time I really appreciated his content. But now I feel it's undependable. I know John Piper has said that while he shared the platform with Ravi several times, he always had a check in his spirit that some of Ravi's stories seemed too good to be true. The little foxes can spoil the vines. It's a warning to us all that anyone making a contribution for the Kingdom is a target for the enemy to destroy their credibility. Guard your heart.

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Hi brother, thanks for the encouragement and warning. I was a huge Ravi fan and was genuinely devastated when I learned about all of the things he had been wrapped up in. I've never felt to betrayed by someone I held as a kind of mentor from afar. I met him one time and had a nice exchange with him. Just awful. Take heed lest ye fall.

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